About us


Welcome to GECE

About us

At GECE, we are dedicated to pioneering a sustainable future through our commitment to green energy and a clean environment. Founded on the principles of environmental responsibility, we strive to be a catalyst for positive change in the energy sector. Our team is driven by a passion for harnessing renewable resources, ensuring that every innovation we introduce aligns with the goal of reducing our carbon footprint. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, we aim to create a greener and healthier planet for generations to come. At the core of our mission is the belief that clean energy is not just a solution but a responsibility, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this transformative journey.


Pure Numbers Only







Sustainable development

In the pursuit of sustainable development, we prioritize the integration of green energy and a clean environment into our core principles. Through eco-friendly practices and renewable energy solutions, we aim to reduce our ecological footprint while fostering economic growth. Our commitment extends beyond compliance, driving innovation for a harmonious coexistence of technology and nature. By promoting circular economies, responsible resource management, and carbon neutrality, we strive to contribute to a sustainable future where environmental preservation aligns seamlessly with societal progress.

Benefits of working with GECE

We add development capacity to tech teams. Our value isn’t limited to building teams but is equally distributed across the project lifecycle. We are a custom product development company that guarantees the successful delivery of your project.

Understanding your business goals

Let's discuss your short and long-term vision in- depth. When we know your goals and understand existing software, we are able to ensure the success of the project.

Well architectured solution for scale

We take a pragmatic approach to software architecture and design. Choosing important areas worth investing upfront, and prioritize others afterwards. We also provide data protection consultation.

Goal driven User Experience Design

Good and effective product design helps drive user satisfaction. We perform extensive research to align overall experience with your expectations and user needs and help you with the right selection of products.

Our crew

Meet the Team

Unveiling the talent, passion, and expertise driving our success. Get to know the faces shaping our journey forward.

375, Sec-14 Rohtak Haryana - 124001
GST NO - 06AAGCG5303D124